Tuesday, December 22, 2009

am i going to lose him again....

mcm ni bia aku cite dulu sejarah kami... aku knl dia dari ym.. pastu b'tkr nmbr... sbln kami knl dr tepon plak.. pastu baru kami kapel.. kami kapel dlm enset jgk (tau.. cm bdh je kan?) smggu sblm dia m'hlg.. kami akan b'jmpe tapi xtau nape dia hlg je tetiba...

lps beberape bln kwn dia cll aku cite yg dia(syamil) kene guna2 dgn ex-gf dia...
aku t'kejut sgt.. kwn dia pun nmpk p'ubahan kat dia.. kwn dia pun pelik.. so.. dia cll aku... n cmtulah lbh krg...

pagi2 buta tadi aku call syamil... (dia mscll dulu) aku cite kat dia semuanye.. dia mcm xnk caye pastu aku ckp la.. dia xperasan ke.. yg dia lupe 100% sape aku.. baru dia sedar.. pastu dia ckp.. dia dh cube nk sygkan aku.. xblh,,, prasaan dia xde lgsg kat aku.. tp bkn tu yg mau.. aku cume nk kwn dgn dia..(aku bls).
dia ckp lg.. xpe ke klu dia dgn pempuan lain.. aku t'gamam... aku ckp yg aku xtau nk ckp ape,, aku b'serah je.. & aku terima je... (sedih ni.....)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

ape la salah aku??

aku boleh dikatakan selalu kene tipu...
aku tak fahamla.. nape? nape asyik jadi mangsa?
eeeee... bencinyeeeee

Monday, December 14, 2009

dulu... kini...


ni sebelum sekarang.. still ade lgi..
enset dulu... skunk dah rosak... malas nk betul kan...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


hai.... aku nak cite pasal keje part time aku... best n fun... tp kekdg tu rse skit hati klu dpt org yg cerewet.. but its ok... yg bestnye dpt kwn baru... ha.. semlm aku jmpe ustaz aku ajar aku mse sekolah rendah.. best sgt2... huhu... k dah... tu je cite part time aku...

semalam aku call syamil... we talk so much thing... smpi dia cite ade girl suke kat dia... aku xtau.. aku jelez or xde perasaan.. aku sje2 la buat byk tny.... huhu.. nak tau x.. girl yg dia kenal tu ajak dia g tgk tarian tradisional dkt2 USM... pastu dia ajak aku plak.. haha.. emm.. gelak2 tp sakit at pun ade.. emm ntah la.. yg pntg skunk ni aku xfhm... nape dulu kami b'pisah... skunk kami ditemukan semula.. mcm2 soalan aku nk tny.. but.. only ALLAH can answer it.. right?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

part time,,,,

hari ni InsyaAllah aku akan mula keje part time kat ade la satu restoran dekat2 dengan umah aku... emm.. excited ade.. worry pun ade... emmm.. moga2 aku dapat keje tu.. dan moga2 sangat2 aku dapat buat keje tu dhn baik... jadi waitress je..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


aku rase risau sgt2 hari ni tak tahu nape... adoi.. runsing betul la... xsedap hati tapi tak tau nape... isk karut betul la perasaan ni... aku dah call semua kawan2 aku.. semuanye ok... emm... Ya Allah.. ape maksud perasaan ni?????

Thursday, November 26, 2009


aku ingat aku dah dapat lupekan dia.. huhu.. tapi tidak... hai. naik bosan aku di buatnyee... kenapa aku mesti dibelenggu dgn masalah yg rumit ni....

aku nak kene pegi kursus kpp sabtu ni.. aku tak tau nak bgtau bos aku cmne.. yela mggu lps2 aku bg alasan yg sama.. aduh.. aku la xreti nak menipu.. asal aku menipu je.. aku jd gagap... isk benci aku,,,,,, aduh................... tolonglah aku... ape aku kene buat niiiiiii

Thursday, November 19, 2009

BANDUNG wo lai la..................................

Set 750m above sea level, and protected by a fortress of watchful volcanoes 190km southeast of Jakarta, BANDUNG is the third largest city in Indonesia and a centre of industry and traditional Sundanese arts – with plenty of cultural performances for tourists – though it suffers from traffic pollution and uninteresting modern developments. Sundanese culture has remained intact here since the fifth century when the first Hindu Sundanese settled in this part of West Java. Modern Bandung's main tourist attraction is nearby Tangkbuhan Prahu volcano, and there's a very pleasant two-hour forest walk down to the city too.

The Dutch spotted the potential of this lush, cool plateau and its fertile volcanic slopes in the mid-seventeenth century, and set about cultivating coffee and rice here. But it wasn't until the early nineteenth century that the planters decided to settle in the area, at Bandung, rather than commute from Batavia. Several relics from the city's colonial era remain, including some of the elegant shops along Jalan Braga, and some fine buildings on Jalan Asia-Afrika. There are a number of unsung mountain destinations around Bandung such as Gunung Patuha and Gunung Malabar to the southwest, which are well worth a visit.

xsaba rasenye... huhu....


aku simpati pada kawan aku syamil... nenek dia baru je meninggal dunia hari khamis hari tu (sedekahkan Al-Fatihah)

aku????? xtau nk tulis ape... emmm

Friday, November 13, 2009


semalam aku try call syamil dgn nmbr lain.. cepat je dia jwb... but bila aku gne nmbr aku.. dia xnk jwb.. pastu dia mrh2 aku.. ape dah jadi ni??? sedihnyee.. adakah tu pertunjuk yg aku perlu menjauh dr dia.. tp.. ah.. aku keliru dan xfhm... tolong aku.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

aku tulis mcm2 kan? emm.... ape nk tulis lagi ek... sampai skunk aku xtau ape yg aku nk... pg tadi mak aku bising lg... humm... mcm biasa aku akn buat xtau je... bkn nk m'brukkan sape2... mmg jauh skali... nk cite je.. setiap kali mak aku m'bebel.. setiap kali tu jgk aku t'tny2.. dia xpk dulu ke sblm dia b'ckp.... nk jd temanyee... ade la satu bnd ni.. dia mrh kat coz aku xbuat... tp aku tgk dia lg la x buat...(wei.. aku still aggp dia mak aku k) em... ntah r.. aku nk tgur dia t dia sensitif xtentu pasal plak... aku nk kua dr rmh.. tp aku tau.. setiap bnd kene ade p'rncgn yg tertib... klu x.. makin susahlah hidup... so.. aku ltk plan tu dlm list no.10.. heee..

hari ni.. dia skype aku lg... tell me the prblm.... M.O.N.E.Y...... emm.. naik bosan la plak.. mane xnyee... setiap kali dia contact aku mst pasal bnd tu... alahai.. ade gf utk ape? bkn ke utk m'bantu.. setahu aku la kan... b'cinta tu ialah saling melengkapi pasangan masing2... but.. pelik,, ah! lantak r sane aku dah xpeduli.. dia pny pasal..

iNgat mEngingati,,, huuhu...

Sekiranya kamu dapati dirimu menyintai seseorang yang tidak membalas cintamu,janganlah merasa tersisih. Tiada salahnya menyintai seseorang kerana Cinta tidak memilih untuk singgah di hati seseorang.
Sekiranya kamu dicintai oleh seseorang yang tidak kamu cintai, anggaplah ia satu penghormatan buat dirimu tetapi kembalikan penghormatan itu dengan cara yang ikhlas dan jujur. Jangan ambil kesempatan dan janganlah melukakan.
Bagaimana kamu mengurus cinta begitulah kamu mengurus dirimu dan setiap hati dan perasaan mengalami kepedihan dan kebahagiaan yang serupa sekalipun cara kita mengendalikannya berbeza.
Sekiranya kita bercinta dgn seseorang yang begitu menyintai diri kita dan tiba-tiba cinta memilih untuk pergi, tiada siapa yang harus dipersalahkan, relakanlah cinta itu pergi. Kerana setiap yang berlaku ada maksud yang tersembunyi.. Dan kita akan menyedari apabila masa silih berganti.
Ingatlah bahawa jangan terlalu memilih cinta. Kerana cinta itu sendiri akan memilih untuk singgah di hati sesiapa Apabila ia datang mengetuk pintu hati muTerimalah kehadiran cinta itu dgn segala misteri di dalamnyaNikmatinya sebagaimana ia membuat hidupmu bahagia dan bebaskan ia
Cinta sentiasa dan selamanya akan menjadi misteri Bersyukurlah kerana ianya pernah singgah di hati kamu... Semoga semua dapat bertemu dgn cinta yg sejati dan jujur....Insya Allah.................................

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

cite.. citee

semalam aku gayut dengan syamil(boy aku cite yg aku cari selame ni) dia luahkan prasaan dia... dia pun bru break dgn gf dia... em.. aku doakan yg dia akan jmpe dgn org yg dia idam2kan dan lbh baik dr ex-gf dia...

semalam dia cute sgt.. kelakar.. yg bestnyee... kitaorg saling tukar pendapat... and sentiasa ade cite... and the best part is ... he so noty last nite.. i means kelakar... sgt2.. kitaorg gayut smpi pkul 5 pg tadi... (ngatuk gila pg ni)

tapi... sedih r.. mlm tadi dia ckp, aku myb xjd jmpe dia mase besday aku t.. coz dia nk g peneng.. emmm.....dia nk jmpe aku dlm bln ni.. aku xleh r.. nk gune duit...
isk runsing aku.. aku btul2 nk jmpe dia...

doakan kami b'temu dan hubungan kami kekal baik hgga akhir hayat.. AMIN////'

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

xtau le....

hari ni aku call sekolah memandu... yelorr nk buat lesen... heee.. igtkan hari ni hepi le,,, tetiba plak pagi2 bos aku membebel plak.. komplen mcm2.. emmm lantak dia r.. yg pntg dia xmelampaui bts..

doa2kan aku cepat lulus ye... AMIN


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


aku pelik dgn kesihatan aku lately... aku asyik rse pitam je.... pandangan aku asyik kabur je(mase pitam tu) tapi... xde plak pengsan,,,, aku rse badan aku ringan sgt... yg pelk tu aku tgh baring, duduk pun rse pening2... rse goyang... jgn la skit yg bkn2...
aku xnk buat medical check-up,,, xde duit la.. lg pun aku takut jarum n darah,,,

Monday, October 19, 2009

20 oktOber...

emm.. smlm aku xdpt call kwn aku... nasib baik dpt jugak call... aku dh pk bkn2 je... risau btul... nombor dia aku dh delete.. mcm2 care aku cbe nk hubungi,, at last dia anta msj... Alhamdulillah... dia xde ape.. rupenye balik kg... geram je... tp ape2 pun yg penting dia selamat.....
aku dapat kawan baru... aku ingat aku dapat la... tapi... emmm.. sadis betul... xmenjadi... tp xpelah... DUNIA BELUM BERAKHIR... ...LAAALALA..
ngeee,,,,,, :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009


hari ni xde ape yg special.. cme.. semalam org yg dh lame aku cari2 call aku.. seronok sgt2..
tapi.. aku risau plak dgn kawan aku sorang ni.. dr semalam aku call xdapat2.. harap2 dia ok je..
emm... (mane dia pegi...)

Friday, October 16, 2009

cIte akU.....

emmm... macam2 hal jadi pd aku dalam bulan ni.... start dari raye sampai skunk...
aku nak luahkan mcm2... tapi xtau nk luah cmne... i feld so down lately.. aku pun xfhm nape aku blh rse mcm tu skali...(panahan c.i.n.t.a+monyet.. heee) that tme aku asyik pk yg bkn2 je...
pk dunia ni dh xde erti...

patut ke aku berhenti berkawan?
Aku dibenci oleh orang yang telah melahirkan aku..
dia cakap "mati la ko cepat.. ko hidup menyusahkan aku.. ko Xbagi aku ape2 hasil pun klu hidup"...
teruk sangat ke aku ni... sedihnyee.. adakah sekiranye aku xde lagi adakah dia akan menatapi, menangisi pemergian aku nanti??
aku rase tidak.. that y.. klu aku sakit.. aku xnk dia tau.. t mesti cakap menghabiskan duit dia je... dia dah xnakkan aku lagi ke?
YA ALLAH.. aku cube utk berbaik dgn dia.. tapi.. setiap kali itu juga dia akan m'gunakan perkataan2 yg kesat pd aku...
ape patut aku lakukan....????

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Story to RememberMuniba,
a young Muslim university student, was home for the summer. She had gone to visit some sisters one evening & the time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than she had planned. Evening came & Muniba had to walk home alone. But she wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Muniba asked "God" to keep her safe from harm & danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley, she noticed a man standing at the end, as though he was waiting for her. She became uneasy & began to pray, asking for "God's" protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness & security wrapped around her; she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man & arrived home safely. the following day, she read in the paper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley, just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy & the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety & to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a line up to see if she could identify him. She agreed & immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down & confessed. The officer thanked Muniba for her bravery & asked if there was anything they could do for her, she asked if they would ask the man one question. Muniba was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him,he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her.NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PRAYER!He, who loses money, loses much;He, who loses a friend, loses much more;He, who loses FAITH, loses ALL.May Allah guide us all to the the truth and keep us all on the straight pathAmeen

Wednesday, September 30, 2009